From today, Preghiera Remix, the third chapter of Massimo Buffetti‘s new videoalbum – La via della danza, is available on all online platforms.

Preghiera, the 2019/20 ballet, is now available in a remix version.

The enchanting choreography created by Arianna Benedetti – with music by Massimo Buffetti – for the young group of dancers of Preghiera, in the ‘Remix’ version for the ballet of the same name, originates from the opening piece of Hanno detto chamber opera on a text by Marco Vichi, an act of Love in memory of Maestro and friend, Franco Di Francescantonio.

The bass flute sounds of Stefano Agostini, together with the performances of Pierpaolo Ugolini, Sun Ah Choi and Sara Danti, contribute to a dense and profound emotion.

The piece is available in both audio and video formats.