On text by A. De Saint-Exupéry
Music Massimo Buffetti
Franco Di Francescantonio Story Teller
Autorivari Ensemble
Music version created by Massimo Buffetti, for the splendid voice of the never forgotten Franco Di Francescantonio, performed by Autorivari Ensemble with Alda Dalle Lucche, Lucia Danesi, Sandro Tani , Saxophones, and Paolo Faggi, Horn and Wagneriana Tuba. It’s a musical reading of the famous cult text, now translated into more than three hundred languages. This version has been adapted in order to allow interaction between the two languages, made up of sounds and wordswith the aim of arousing new emotions with a different fruition of the masterpiece thanks to the extraordinary interpretative skills of the artists involved, in absolute respect of the original text.
This version was premiered at Florence Teatro Comunale on 2003. Winner ‘ The Fairy Tale in music’ award – 12° International Competition “Città di Barletta”- 2002, it has been succesfully repurposed in Florence on 2014 in partnership with ‘Fondazione Scuola di Musica di Fiesole’ and ‘Teatro della Pergola’, with an expanded lineup and a new adaption.