About Us
Spring Art Development begins as Music Production with ‘L’alba delle Muse’, 2000/2001’, performance with Painting by Silvana Zambanini, Dance and Music by R. Becheri, R. Bellotti and M. Buffetti Label on 12 Constellations of the Zodiac. Premiered in Prato Imperor Castle and Hamburg, Germany, R. Steiner Haus.
Music Productions
Oper/in/a Bottle
Oper/in/a Bottle Massimo Buffetti Libretto and Composition Arianna Benedetti Choreography Compagnia TPO Digital Design Dancers Lisa Piccioli Federica [...]
Labirinto soundtrack
Labirinto soundtrack Musica per 'Il Mito di Arianna e il Minotauro’ di Arianna Benedetti Coreografa. Il lavoro nato [...]
Fabbrica del nulla experience
Una produzione Spring Art Development® 2017 in collaborazione con Autorivari
Edizioni Musicali RAI COM
Portraits – Ritratti di donne note degne di nota
Montecatini, Sala Regina delle Terme Domenica 19 Giugno 2006
Testi di Marco Vichi
Musiche di Massimo Buffetti
Latest news
Reflex, the new work by Massimo Buffetti is now available on digital platforms
Composer Massimo Buffetti returns to the piece, commission in 2006, Reflex, to present it in a digital version on online platforms. In this version, remastered by Rob Nigro, the original cello and trumpet solos [...]
Oiseaux Imaginaires, the new album by Stefano Agostini and Guy-Frank Pellerin
On 6 September 2024, Oiseaux Imaginaires, the new album by Stefano Agostini and Guy-Frank Pellerin, was released on digital platforms. It is a collection of "instant compositions" selected from material produced over 7 years, [...]
Oper/in/a Bottle Teatro dI Fiesole Firenze, May 19, 2024 h 5:00pm
The visionary story of the journey that we all took in the mother's womb before arriving in this world. A message in the form of an Opera, with text, music, dance and 'visual', [...]